The number of users increased 3 times
Microsoft Genuine validation process to give up IE7.0 browser market not only brought new shocks, but also for Chinese CN domain name market has brought a new round of registration climax. "IE7.0 give genuine validation, the scale for the Chinese CN domain name user to bring at least three times more room for market growth. User scale growth, doubling the value of the Chinese CN domain name, brought directly to the end of the Chinese CN domain name registration amount of blowout. "Facing a new round of registration of the tide, the industry analysis.
Reporters from the national domain name administrator CNNIC, understand that every call center received more than month ago, business consulting telephone an average increase of about 5 percent. "Chinese CN domain name three times the market growth and attract a large number of registered persons concerned." A domain name registration business, "said Chinese CN domain name registration climax is coming, we are speeding up the time to upgrade domain name registration system." Xiamen, a registered business also launched a "by your space" self-help Station system, specially designed to use Chinese CN domain name built them, support functions and services.
Users increased by 3 times the size of the prospect of making Chinese CN domain name to become a market-by-the focus of hot businesses, directly stimulate the enterprises to the opening of the Chinese CN domain names, big to the "Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. CN" help inscription, small to "Shuangliu winter strawberry. CN "CN domain names using Chinese popular open the river north and south channels, Chinese CN domain names to appear more frequently in people's eyes. In some recent domain name auction, prices have gone up in Chinese CN domain names, domain names, set off a professional forum on how to assess the value of the Chinese CN domain name more discussions.
According to statistics, now has 90% of the national ministries and other government agencies and institutions directly under the central government websites, as well as the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, Special Administrative Region Government portal has opened Chinese CN domain names; 90% of the traditional newspaper industry Group registration for news sites and opened a Chinese CN domain names, 62.5%, car companies launched their corporate website in Chinese CN domain name registration, 47.5% of the broker's online trading platform for advocacy and enabled the Chinese CN domain names, 90% of the "211 Project "College Web site registration opened a Chinese CN domain name ... ... Chinese CN domain names has become the enterprises and institutions to communicate with the outside world the Chinese bridge.
Corporate giants have increased the brand and business-related efforts in protecting Chinese CN domain name. Not long ago, Google would be resolved through arbitration, quietly going back to the "Google Book Search. CN" domain name. "With the Chinese users the doubling of CN, a new round of Chinese CN domain name registration tide is also upcoming. The face of bullish news, business registration should be stepped up with their own brand of Chinese CN domain name", experts warned.
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